Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teacher-Librarian of the Year & Minister of Education

The BCTLA Teacher-Librarian of the Year, Deb Cowland, watches over the Minister of Education, Peter Fassbender, as he reads with some students in the Richard Bulpitt Learning Commons on BC School Library Day!


From TL of the year Deb Cowland:

Minister Fassbender was at Richard Bulpitt Elementary on Monday to officially open our school. How fortunate for us that he was able stay and join in on the DEAR activities as well. He happily donned his DEAR T-shirt and then, at his request, enthusiastically announced DEAR to the entire school over the PA. He enjoyed time reading with children around the school and promoting the love of reading and the importance of reading books. We were able to chat briefly when he shared his past experiences with DEAR as Mayor of Langley and expressed his long-time support of libraries both school and public. It was a special DEAR Day at Richard Bulpitt Elementary for sure!

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